“What a relief to be doing something, finally, after all these years. Just admitting I had a problem and needed help has really increased my self esteem and worth.”
Stanley H.

“John Doran helped us in our relationship together. We learned how to communicate more effectively, talk about our feelings with each other and rid ourselves of the resentments that were present in the relationship for many years. We are moving forward together celebrating each other.
Lisa and Ron

“I just couldn’t get up in the mornings. All I wanted to do was sleep and eat ice cream. It hasn’t been easy but I’m finally getting to the place where I can face the morning with some enthusiasm. Thank you for believing in me, or rather, helping me believe in myself.”
Raymond A.

My life was a twisted mess of addiction, low self worth and suicidal thoughts. John Doran helped me to explore these issues in a safe, non-judgemental environment. Today I celebrate 3 years in recovery, living in the day, no suicidal thoughts and alot of self worth/esteem.
Steve T.